Marsh Bellofram Diversified Electronics


About Marsh Bellofram Diversified Electronics


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Products & Press Releases


Two inlet pressures, one instrument

Jan. 30, 2023
New line of diaphragm- and piston-type differential pressure (DP) gauges measures the difference between two inlet pressures with just one instrument, and can help extend equipment...

Marsh Bellofram's Type 5000 rugged, two-wire I/P pressure transmitter

June 1, 2015
Type 5000 rugged, two-wire I/P pressure transmitter converts one pressure input into a 4-20 mA or 10-50 mA output with 0.1% accuracy.

Marsh-Bellofram's King-Gage LP3 Marine System

June 20, 2012
King-Gage LP3 marine system is a complete, tank liquid level and vessel draft measurement solution, designed to ensure continuous high-accuracy monitoring of multiple service ...

Marsh Bellofram's Type 41 High-Performance Air Pressure Regulators

Feb. 27, 2012
Type 41 high-performance air pressure regulator series is available in two packages with identical performance characteristics

Marsh Bellofram’s Type 10 Air Pressure Regulators

Dec. 2, 2010
Marsh Bellofram’s Type 10 series high-precision air pressure regulators offer 0.1% output accuracy with very low sensitivity to supply pressure, ambient temperature changes and...
Intrinsic Safety

Marsh Bellofram Diversified Electronics' Hazardous Area Certifications for UPA-130 Series Universal Voltage Alert

July 13, 2010
The UPA-130 series Universal Voltage Alert is designed to reduce the risk of electric arc flash

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