Unit shutdown design for a batch control application

May 1, 2007
Shashank Paithankar, Honeywell Automation India, LTd. Exception handling has always been critical to batch operations. Paithankar provided some examples. Conventional approach for exception handling includes a hold hanler and an abort handler of the Unit Phase. Excepton handling is a Major Effort-- 40-50% of Implementation and Testing effort. This can be a redundant programming effort, use excessive memory, and generally eat the project's lunch. The idea is to address Exception Hand...
Shashank Paithankar, Honeywell Automation India, LTd. Exception handling has always been critical to batch operations. Paithankar provided some examples. Conventional approach for exception handling includes a hold hanler and an abort handler of the Unit Phase. Excepton handling is a Major Effort-- 40-50% of Implementation and Testing effort. This can be a redundant programming effort, use excessive memory, and generally eat the project's lunch. The idea is to address Exception Handling in an S88 compliant way. Paithankar went through a Honeywell implementation for a pharma plant in Puerto Rico.