
Exploring wireless advances in industrial process

A Control Amplified podcast with Ian Verhappen, wireless technology expert and Control contributing editor

Y2K to today

Since the turn of the century, wireless has gone from almost nothing to a key technology

Why Matter can solve IoT’s biggest challenge

The protocol intends to make devices compatible with smart home and voice services
Industrial Networks

Incentives to migrate fieldbus to Ethernet-Advanced Physical Layer (APL)

Earnest early adopters deployed a substantial installed base of Foundation Fieldbus devices, so now we have a template for a plausible path to migrate them to Ethernet-APL
Astronaut in space
Industrial Networks

A space odyssey

Exploring the convergence of industrial process control and space technology
CUI Devices
I/O Systems

Single-position terminal blocks with mix-and-match colors

Single-position, screwless terminal blocks with blue, green, red, white and yellow colors can be mixed to create color-coded wire connections. TBL-0014-750, TBL-0015-750 and TBL...
Plant of the Year from FieldComm group, red lightning bolt
Industrial Networks

Pioneering plants push automation into the future

FieldComm Group’s Plant of the Year honorees illustrate the progress made in productivity, efficiency and sustainability
Metz Connect USA
I/O Systems

Spring-clamp terminal blocks with 2.5 mm to 10 mm centerlines

Spring-clamp terminal blocks feature a patented, cage-clamp design, and are available with 2.5 mm to 10 mm centerlines. These terminal blocks ensure high-quality, reliable wire...
I/O Systems

Bus coupler facilitates flexible control signal connectivity

SX8R compact, direct or DIN-rail mounted, bus coupler bridges a range of I/O modules with industrial network protocols, such as EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP and CC-Link, and supports...
I/O Systems

Tool-free wiring terminal blocks with quick-release lever

P-LUP DIN rail terminal blocks and lever-up system is crafted for speed and simplicity, allowing tool-free wiring that saves time with each connection. With push-in (PID) technology...

Envision procedural automation in your future

Why it’s a natural fit for normal but infrequent operations