Cyber security and interoperability concerns with Smart Grid standards

Dec. 5, 2010

NIST submitted five IEC Smart Grid security and interoperability standards to FERC for rulemaking. The following observations can be made:
- No IEEE, ISA, or even NIST standards were provided to FERC.
- Each of the five IEC standards has existing interoperability concerns. For example, two vendors can both conform to the standards and yet neither be interoperable with the other- that is not “plug and play”.

NIST submitted five IEC Smart Grid security and interoperability standards to FERC for rulemaking. The following observations can be made:
- No IEEE, ISA, or even NIST standards were provided to FERC.
- Each of the five IEC standards has existing interoperability concerns. For example, two vendors can both conform to the standards and yet neither be interoperable with the other- that is not “plug and play”.
- Standards extensively used throughout North America (eg, DNP-3) were not included but standards extensively used throughout Europe were included (eg, IEC-61850).
- Each of the five standards has cyber security issues. According to FERC Commissioner Philip Moeller, a number of Smart Grid stakeholders are expressing concern that cyber security aspects of the five sets of interoperability standards under review at FERC may not be “robust” enough.
- At least two Smart Grid power systems IEEE standards did not address cyber security.
- Last week on the NERC Control Systems Security Working Group (CSSWG) call, it was noted there are cyber security efforts on-going with NERC and Smart Grid with minimal coordination.

These issues and observations raise the following questions:
- What needs to be done with the NIST process to ensure the appropriate standards are provided for the rulemaking process?
- What needs to be done to ensure that interoperability standards actually result in interoperable systems?
- What needs to be done to ensure that cyber security standards actually secure systems from end-to-end?
- What needs to be done to ensure appropriate standards coordination is being provided?
Joe Weiss