Coriolis and ultrasonic flowmeters are best suited for flow measurement in green hydrogen applications.

The future for flowmeters in renewable energy

Measuring natural gas, refined fuels and other fossil fuels is still the largest segment of the flowmeter market, but renewable energy represents a growing opportunity
Control Talk Column

Unlocking the real value of AI, ML in process automation

How can the process industries move past the hype, and realize the potential of these two technologies for industrial plants?
Engineer or lab staff pointing on instrument calibration

Calibration instills confidence

Control’s monthly resources guide to understanding calibration
U.S. election day; people at voting booth at U.S. election station with American flag in background.

Embrace boring

Election judging parallels process control and automation
Source: Arthur G. Russell
In system integrator Arthur G. Russell’s R&D and mock-up area in Bristol, Conn., senior R&D engineer Jerry Buchas adjusts a robot-actuated loader that brings a client’s product to the proper location in a case, so its end-of-arm tooling (EOT) with an attached actuator can push the product into place. AGR helps customers develop, test, and derisk their designs and requirements for new end-products and production systems. Its clients want to derisk because shorter product lifecycles and increasing demand for variety are compressing development and commissioning schedules.
Asset Management

Rewards of derisking

System integrator Arthur G. Russell proves new product concepts, designs and development by testing, standardizing, modularizing and partnering
A 5-sided metal die with a shield and keyhole security symbol on each face of the die

All sides of cybersecurity

Seven system integrators show how they provide clients in multiple process industries with suitable and successful cybersecurity protections
OT security concept

OT tools catch up to secure multiple plants

System integrator Gray Solutions standardizes cybersecurity for beverage manufacturer
Engineer is walking up spiral staircase to working on top of fuel tank

Building on each step for successful security

System integrator GrayMatter secures water/wastewater and LNG applications
Astronaut in space
Industrial Networks

A space odyssey

Exploring the convergence of industrial process control and space technology
Photo by Keith Larson
Liz Bahl Prosak, commercial portfolio manager, Rockwell
Rockwell Automation: Automation Fair

Logix SIS integrates basic control and process safety

Modern, integrated safety solution is TÜV-certified as SIL 2 and SIL 3 compliant