Honeywell Enraf's Fusion4 MSC-L

March 28, 2014
Multi-stream Controller for Loading Rounds Out Fusion4 Portfolio, Helping Terminals Do 'More with Less'

The Fusion4 MSC-L is Honeywell's most sophisticated multi-stream controller for loading products from refineries and chemical plants into transports such as railcars, tankers and barges. It is accurate, scalable and versatile. The Fusion4 MSC-L offers a device interface to enable every installation, and operation and maintenance function to be controlled in the field using a large display and integrated keyboard that works as a complete hazardous area operating station. The controller can operate up to six loading arms simultaneously, providing safe, reliable control for road loading, as well as tank farm transfers and marine and rail terminal operations.

For more information about Honeywell Enraf's loading, additive and blending control expertise and solutions visit