Power Quality AnalyzersFluke 434 and Fluke 435 three-phase power quality analyzers pinpoint power problems with on-screen display of trends and captured events, even while background recording continues. The 430 Series incorporates the new IEC standards for flicker, harmonics and power quality for convenient troubleshooting of both three-phase and single-phase power distribution systems. The 435 logging power quality analyzer features 0.1% voltage accuracy and GPS time sync option, making it compliant with the IEC 61000-4-30 Class A standard. The 435 can be configured for any test condition with memory for up to 400 parameters at user defined intervals. The series includes expanded wiring configurations with 2 and 2.5 element measurement modes, 0.001 Hz resolution, and supports GPS time synchronization according to IEC 610000-4-30 with the optional GPS430 module. Both have a safety rating of 600 V CAT IV and 1000 V CAT III.