I am pleased to report the publication of the 3rd edition of Foundation Fieldbus by Ian Verhappen and Augusto Pereira. This volume, which I have read in a pre-publication version, is expanded and improved, with new information published since the 2nd edition, and is vastly improved over the 1st edition published backalong. [img_assist|nid=2505|title=New Foundation Fieldbus book by Verhappen and Pereira|desc=Foundation Fieldbus 3rd Edition by Ian Verhappen and Augusto Pereira|link=url|url=http://www.isa.org/Template.dfm?section|align=left|width=225|height=300]
This is an invaluable single-volume desk reference on Foundation Fieldbus. If you have, or are planning to have a Foundation Fieldbus network in your plant, you should immediately buy and read this book.
Here's the text of ISA's press release announcing this book:
The first edition of this handy resource book was published by ISA, in the United States in 2002 it quickly became a best seller, raising awareness of how to install and implement digital communications with the FF protocol. It was also the first ISA book to be published in three languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese).
This 3rd edition updates the previous editions with increased coverage of: HSE, Safety Instrumented Function, EDDL and FDT/DTM; FF Power Conditioners, Field Device Couplers and Physical Layer Components; Diagnostic and Maintenance Tools; Earthing and Grounding; and Asset Management.
Available in October 2008, the 3rd edition can be purchased through the ISA web site at http://www.isa.org/Template.cfm?Section=Books3&Template=/customsource/isa/StoreIntro/books.cfm
The authors, Augusto Pereira (Brazil) and Ian Verhappen (Canada), are renowned engineers who became experts in Foundation Fieldbus technology as they have been involved in its development since 1994.