And the Winners Are . . .

Oct. 9, 2007
Just popping up on the news wires . . . "Albert Fert of France and Peter Gruenberg of Germany on Tuesday won the Nobel Physics Prize for pioneering work that led to the miniaturised hard disk, one of the breakthroughs of modern information technology. Fert, 69 and Gruenberg, 68, were lauded for their discovery in 1988 of a principle called giant magnetoresistance, or GMR. GMR can 'be considered one of the first real applications of the promising field of nanotechnology,' the Royal Swedish Aca...
Just popping up on the news wires . . . "Albert Fert of France and Peter Gruenberg of Germany on Tuesday won the Nobel Physics Prize for pioneering work that led to the miniaturised hard disk, one of the breakthroughs of modern information technology. Fert, 69 and Gruenberg, 68, were lauded for their discovery in 1988 of a principle called giant magnetoresistance, or GMR. GMR can 'be considered one of the first real applications of the promising field of nanotechnology,' the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said in its citation."  (Link to full story here). "The MP3 and iPod industry would not have existed without this discovery," Borje Johansson, a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences told The Associated Press. "You would not have an iPod without this effect." Another flag to wave in front of the budding scientists and engineers of your acquaintence. Work hard, study science, and you to can invent the stuff that leads to the iPod.  Hey, whatever it takes

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