This is an out of the box presentation, Paul said.
- Paul Sereiko - Professional - President and CEO, AirSprite Technologies - Industrial wireless sensing software and infrastructure - Founding CEO, Sensicast Systems, Inc. - Wireless sensor networking solutions - EVP Marketing, PinPoint Corporation - Real-time wireless location systems - Professional Affiliations - Co-chair, ISA-SP100 Marketing Working Group - HART Communication Foundation, Marketing Group - Education - BC Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Champaign - MBA, Northwestern University (Kellogg)
- Maybe "¦ - Standards emerging: - Wireless HART, spec approval by 2007 year end - ISA100, spec approval during 2008
- Maybe not "¦ - Security - Interoperability and compliance - Integration with existing business processes
- Connects anywhere on 4-20 mA loop - Series connection enables loop power option - Parallel connection can simplify installation
- Sends/receives HART via wireless and wired transmission
- Enables direct path to host applications, bypassing legacy DCSThis enables new, low cost monitoring points. - You may even connect directly to plant and enterprise applications if you can get away with it. - Let's get a baseline on plant asset management systems. - A PAM manages performance, availability and reliability of plant assets. - The role of the solution is to sense, assess, decide, and act.
- Abnormal position vs. valve demand
- Automated detection of valve or positioner malfunctions
- Faster and control-room based troubleshooting and routine testing
- More accurate problem diagnosis - Fewer false positives and needless valve teardowns - Fewer unnecessary replacement parts
- Valves operate closer to rated performance - Possible results: Increased plant capacity, higher yields, greater process efficiency
- Detect and resolve problems more quickly and efficiently - Alert operators and maintenance before process degrades - More efficiently schedule repairs
- Save labor on routine calibrations - Don't need to be located - No handwritten reports - Results are digitized and available as documents
- "Industry reports estimate that by changing 25% of all preventive maintenance to predictive maintenance, which is five times less costly than preventive maintenance, an organization could potentially realize an up to 60% reduction in maintenance expenses alone."
- $50,000,000 /year in maintaining 40,000 points = $1,250 per point/per year
- Start piloting now! - Certified standard-based products not available for at least a year - Learn how reliable and easy-to-use (or not) today's technology is - Learn about the RF nuances of your environment
- Stand-alone pilot - Do not integrate pilot with existing processes - Set up test processes for the stand-alone system
- Retrofit - Low-cost, low-risk piloting - No need to install new devices
- Use standard-based products - Wait for availability - Extract upgrade commitment from vendor
- Understand use of data - Who are the human users of the information generated? - What systems do they rely on? - DCS? - Historian? - PAM?
- Understand integration issues with existing processes - Single HMI or NOT? - Process modifications or NOT?
- View wireless's ability to bypass the DCS as strategic for plant management and enterprise applications
- Wireless extends the reach and value of PAM solutions - Enables economic monitoring of valuable field data - Enables bypass of DCS for integrating field data with plant management and enterprise systems
- Start piloting in '07 to get ready for standards-based products in "˜08