Today I am at Power-Gen in Las Vegas, where I attended two Emerson press conferences this morning. In the first one, Emerson gave a report on its "Partnering for Power" initiative that it started in 2001. In the second, Emerson announced a product extension for the CSI Machinery Health Monitor product line: the 4500T Machinery Health Monitor, optimized for work with turbines.
+additional mergers and acquisitions: example Duke and Synergy
+the new objective: long term financial more taking flyers
+primary concern: grid stability and reliability... no more outages
+market conditions drive the need for fleet operational flexibility
+environmental compliance is driving implementation of emissions reduction measures
+new coal and nuclear plants are under development even in the US!
Yes, Yeager said that NUKES are coming back! Duke Energy recently announced it will build a new nuke... the first new nuclear power plant in the United States in maybe thirty years.
From Westinghouse to Emerson: Bob Yeager Reports
After being in the power industry for 40 years (he's counting Westinghouse's years, since they've only been part of Emerson since 1999) Emerson is now "the leading controls supplier to North America's generating industry, with over 35% of the industry as installed user base," Yeager said. Emerson is a $17.3 billion per year company, he went on, and showed a slide that depicted Emerson's 2005 Sales by Segment:-
Appliance and Tools 23%
Climate 17%
Network Power 18%
Process Management 24%
Industrial Automation 18%
Emerson 30.1%
ABB 25.8%
Invensys 14.1%
Siemens 7.1%
Honeywell 4.0%
Others 18.9%