ISA wants to help the automation victims of Rita and Katrina-- let's join in!

Sept. 27, 2005
"Fellow ISA Members: "Are you available to help your automation colleagues who were adversely affected by the recent US Gulf Coast hurricanes? Can you volunteer some of your time and expertise to ease the burden faced by companies in Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, or Alabama that are trying to resume their normal activities? Do you have a few hours to be available by email or phone to respond to inquiries or offer advice? Are you available to spend a couple of days on site helping out? D...
"Fellow ISA Members: "Are you available to help your automation colleagues who were adversely affected by the recent US Gulf Coast hurricanes? Can you volunteer some of your time and expertise to ease the burden faced by companies in Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, or Alabama that are trying to resume their normal activities? Do you have a few hours to be available by email or phone to respond to inquiries or offer advice? Are you available to spend a couple of days on site helping out? Do you have equipment or services that you can donate? "Please contact ISA and let us know what you can do to help our colleagues. We will be contacting companies in these states to see if they are in need of help and will put any requestors in touch with you. You can also send an email to mailto:[email protected] or call 919-549-8411. "Thank you in advance for any help you can provide to our friends and colleagues. "Sincerely Don Zee - ISA President" Can You Help? Call Don Zee and tell him how! I can't go down to the Gulf Coast to help, although I will be in Houston next week, so I've done the next best thing. I've posted this here, and on Walt

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