So while I was participating in the ISA-95 in Austin virtually from Idaho, IBM presented a short overview (attached) of itsr new product, Reference Semantic Model. RSM provides the first comprehensive set of MOM standards templates for IBM's (and others) new manufacturing services bus products. IBM has brought together methods to map and configure multiple MOM standards so any manufacuring company is now able to build a single corporate set of templates to establish the standard work basis for production transformation relatively quickly.
This is Lean IT! IBM has filled the holes between the standards with its best-guess configuration which was based on a survey of many industry experts. The first impression is that the templates and configuration are heavily influenced by and towards process industries. The batch, hybrid and discrete configuration of the MOM standards are still needed. IBM seems to view this product as simply addressing building of B2M and B2B interface schema, but not the information or application models that the non-process industries are demanding. But this is a revolutionary step forward and MUST be recognized as such. IBM is giving all its configuration to the standards committee of ISA88/95, MIMOSA, OPC, OAG and others to incorporate into their standards through the peer-review process. ALL END USERS should be involved. There is no patent, just copyright being claimed by IBM.
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU ATTEND THE DEEP DIVE OF THIS PRODUCT TOMORROW MORNING AT 8:30 CENTRAL TIME. ISA 95 meeting to the Deep Dive on Thursday April 17, 2008 at the ISA 95 Meeting. Live Meeting and dial-in are below.
8:30am central -12:00 RSM Model Review Model H. Falk/IBM
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Subject: ISA95 Mtg, Thurs, April 17, 2008, 9:30 AM-1:00 PM Eastern (DST)
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