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Microcyber's WirelessHART gateway integrates device information

Sept. 28, 2015
Microcyber's WirelessHART gateway is designed for the establishment, management, optimization and maintenance of a WirelessHART network—making devices safer and more effective.
Microcyber's WirelessHART gateway is designed for the establishment, management, optimization and maintenance of a WirelessHART network—making devices safer and more effective. It also integrates wireless device information from the network to a PC system or data application, and provides related security assurance.

The WirelessHART gateway offers important features such as:

  • Leading data reliability, network safety and advanced application experience
  • Web service for real-time network and data check without restrictions
  • Ease of verifying abundant device status information in the web service
  • Flexible configuration functionality

For more information, visit the Microcyber website.