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Device Description Library Updated to Version 3.8.1

June 10, 2014
Version 3.8.1 release addresses an anomaly in the COMPATIBILITY_REV parameter

The Fieldbus Foundation has issued the latest update to its FOUNDATION fieldbus Device Description (DD) Library. Version 3.8.1 release addresses an anomaly in the COMPATIBILITY_REV parameter, which enables device manufacturers to build backwards-compatible devices capable of operating on a prior device revision's DD. Developers intending to develop devices utilizing this backwards compatibility feature should download this latest version of the DD Library.

The DD Library provides standardized source code for all fieldbus blocks and parameters—making it easy for developers to build DDs for fieldbus instrumentation. Suppliers only need to implement custom blocks and other supplier-specific additional parameters. In addition, the DD Library promotes a standardized view of field device information across manufacturers, enabling consistent configuration by end users. The library is maintained to describe the most recent FOUNDATION specification.

The COMPATIBILITY_REV parameter enabling backwards compatibility functionality is an integral part of the Fieldbus Foundation's usability initiative, which strives to improve the user experience with FOUNDATION technology. This "future-proofing" technique allows users to feel confident that in a replacement scenario of a field instrument with a different revision level, they will be able to maintain a minimum level of functionality within the new device.

For details regarding the DD Library, or to purchase a license, please visit the Tools page of the Fieldbus Foundation website.