Ernst & Young LLP (EY) and Los Alamos National Laboratory have come together to deliver cybersecurity tools available to the commercial market.
According to Duncan McBranch, Chief Technology Officer at Los Alamos National Laboratory, cybersecurity attacks are more frequent and more sophisticated now and they destroy the trust needed to conduct business.
A recent EY Global Information Security Survey, found that more than half (56%) of executives surveyed said their company would be unlikely to detect a sophisticated cyber attack.
"Every organization must improve its ability to detect and stop attacks as they occur, and before secure data is compromised," said McBranch. "[Our] relationship with EY will improve our ability to develop and test adaptive cybersecurity technologies across both industry and government networks."
The new tools are developed by Los Alamos and delivered to the private sector exclusively by EY. They promise to detect threats before any deep and lasting damage is done.
Introducing PathScan into the commercial marketplace came after the Transition to Practice (TTP) program identified the tool as a good candidate to implement in the private sector. The TTP program helps to advance and raise the visibility of promising technologies developed in the national laboratories that are deemed to be ready for transition to the commercial marketplace.
This past June EY announced they plan to invest more than $20 Millions in its Managed Security Operations Center (SOC) increasing the number of EY cybersecurity professionals to a six-fold by 2020. The alliance with Los Alamos strengthens EY's compromise to protect clients against cyber attacks.
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