
Compare current and historian data

Oct. 12, 2005
A new software module has been developed that compares and analyzes current event and alarm data against process historian data.
ALARM AND event information often comes to life through comparison to historical norms. Realizing this, TiPS has developed a software module (TRAC) that compares and analyzes current event and alarm data against process historian data.The company produces an alarm management software package called LogMate. TRAC is a LogMate upgrade that integrates process historian data with current alarms and events onto one interactive graph. This allows visualization of alarm and event activity in line with process historian trends.Historian data is accessed using industry standard OPC-HDA (Historical Data Access) communications. Any data broadcast using the OPC-HDA standard can be displayed. Historical data from the LogMate database itself can also be displayed. The software provides a clickable and zoomable chart interface, a dynamically refreshed chart and data grid with auto-highlighting of targeted data, and per-sample display of actual readings. A relative-time function indicates single or repeated batch or incident starts when clock time is less relevant. In the batch industries, the package simplifies batch variance analysis. Traditionally, batch variance reviews required manual comparison of two disparate data sources, such as a plant historian and a DCS event journal. With this software, batch variance review can be done on one interactive graph.
In a continuous environment, it offers a central information hub for process forensics and incident review. The software integrates and corroborates process and event data to accurately model plant conditions surrounding an incident. It also establishes a visual representation of sensor readings, alarm system activity, operator loading and response, and process reaction.
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Contact TiPS at (512)863-3653 or at[email protected]for more information.

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