Are you using the iPad in your daily operations?

Nov. 11, 2011

The iPad is loved by consumers far and wide, but does its compact size and mobile functionality have a place in manufacturing? Large companies like Pfizer are reaping the efficiency and cost rewards of Apple’s latest showstopper. At MBX Systems, a manufacturer of hardware appliances and embedded systems, the iPad has replaced most Windows Mobile devices and barcode scanners altogether. The iPad still has room to evolve before it can become a fixture on the plant floor, its use in major manufacturing settings since its release in 2010 has proven that it will be a useful tool for streamlining processes, system integration and communication. Are you using the iPad at the plant floor? If so, tell us how.

The iPad is loved by consumers far and wide, but does its compact size and mobile functionality have a place in manufacturing? Large companies like Pfizer are reaping the efficiency and cost rewards of Apple’s latest showstopper. At MBX Systems, a manufacturer of hardware appliances and embedded systems, the iPad has replaced most Windows Mobile devices and barcode scanners altogether. The iPad still has room to evolve before it can become a fixture on the plant floor, its use in major manufacturing settings since its release in 2010 has proven that it will be a useful tool for streamlining processes, system integration and communication. Are you using the iPad at the plant floor? If so, tell us how.

Read the article "The iPad Hits the Plant Floor" to find out more about how Pfizer and MBX Systems have incorporated this technology