@waltboyes Live Tweets from Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition Oct. Meeting

Oct. 9, 2012

I've been part of the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition since 2010. The SMLC is working to define an overarching operating system for manufacturing. I bet you are asking why we need to do that, and why can't we just use what we've got. Well, the answer ins't that simple.

In early October, I attented one of their meetings and during the course of it I was tweeting live.

Read what was covered in the meeting from my tweets below.

I've been part of the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition since 2010. The SMLC is working to define an overarching operating system for manufacturing. I bet you are asking why we need to do that, and why can't we just use what we've got. Well, the answer ins't that simple.

In early October, I attented one of their meetings and during the course of it I was tweeting live.

Read what was covered in the meeting from my tweets below.

  • #smlc Paul Borakowski from @ASQ keynotes #mfg #pauto
  • #smlc Why did Columbus need 3 ships? Because it was expected that 1/3 of expedition would perish from scurvy.
  • "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing after they've done everything else."Churchill Paul Borakowski @ASQ @smlc #pauto #mfg
  • Borakowski @ASQ talks about the development of the Malcolm Baldrige Award. f#smlc #mfg #pauto #manufacturing
  • @ASQ #smlc Borakowski: global resp, cnsumr awrenss, glbaliztion, incr rate chnge, wkforce, aging pop, 21Cent qual, innovtion:forces of change
  • Borakowski: The highest successes in quality are outside the plant walls- between entities in the supply chain @ASQ #smlc #mfg #pauto
  • Borakowski: why did it take almost 200 years for scurvy to be defeated? Science of diffusion of information. @ASQ #smlc #mfg #manufacturing
  • Borawski @ASQ it's the science of diffusion of INNOVATION #smlc #pauto #mfg #manufacturing
  • For its 25th anniversary, the Baldrige Award was defunded. Shame. Shame. 261% ROI and it was cut. Borawski @ASQ #smlc #mfg
  • Cost of poor quality: 20% in manufacturing, 80% in health care, higher in government but nobody did the study. Borawski @ASQ #smlc #mfg
  • #smlc Denise Swink, SMLC chair recaps yesterday and discusses objectives, approach, expectations and logistics #mfg #manufacturing
  • #smlc Swink talks about the benefits of smart manufacturing from the various points of view expressed yesterday. #pauto #mfg
  • #smlc SM Platform generally agreed architecture is sound, need glossary/taxonomy, open arch=new ideas/capability #pauto #mfg #manufacturing
  • #smlc Creating an operating system for manufacturing, on the framework and apps model, using workflow components, templates as app metaphor.
  • #smlc breakout session about test beds #mfg
  • #smlc test beds should be production scale, not pilot scale... #pauto #mfg #manufacturing
  • #smlc getting approval for a test bed requires answers for things like safety and security. #pauto #mfg

You'll be able to read more about the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition in my November 2012 editorial, titled "Connecting the Dots with Smart Manufacturing."