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2015 Emerson Global Users Exchange

Oct. 12, 2015
The editors of Control are in Denver covering this event. Don't miss any details
Welcome to the 2015 Emerson Global Users Exchange! "Elevate Your Expertise" at this year's global user conference. Read more.
Sonnenberg, Nyquist anchor opening keynote session at the 2015 Emerson Global Users Exchange Here's what to expect from this year's global user exchange. Read more.
Plan your week with MyExchange tool and mobile app Download the MyExchange app and make your conference experience easier than ever. Read more.
Learn to nurture innovation in mixed gender teams

Different types of people and different leadership skills are needed to ensure that good ideas are nurtured to fruition. Read more.

The afternoon forums focus Of the 2015 Emerson's Global User Exchange is on industry issues

Emerson Exchange attendees can choose from among eight Industry Forums. Read more.

Think outside the box when PID tuning just isn't enough

What do you do when no amount of tuning will bring the intended process value consistently back in line with its desired setpoint? Read more.

Help make your next Emerson product easier to use

See the next generation of Emerson technology. Read more.

Sonnenberg to Emerson's Global Users: Aspire to top quartile performance

There's a tremendous opportunity for all of us. Oil and gas companies can increase efficiencies, reduce costs and come out stronger. Read more.

Project Certainty' Reduces Budget, Schedule Risk

Here's how Emerson helps process control and automation users achieve top-quartile performance. Read more.

How to Control Severe Disturbances with APC

CHS Inc. teams with Emerson to develop and implement new strategies and methods for evaluating and increasing their coker unit's performance and ROI. Read more.

Reliability Best Practices Shared by Award Finalists

The 'Reliability Program of the Year' honor goes to... Read more.

Innovations empower users at Emerson Exchange

Emerson turns "technical milestones into customer cornerstones." Read more.

Listen for emissions: Refinery targets losses with wireless sensors

Small leaks by many valves over long periods of time add up to significant losses. Read more.

'Working Monitor' Regulator Solves Pressure Problems

Michael Calaway and Ryan Baker discuss two redundant regulator configuration options and an application example at Dow Freeport. Read more.

Acquisitions expand Emerson capabilities

Several acquisitions increase Emerson offerings for pervasive sensing. Read more.

New Emerson blog focuses on top quartile performance

The process industries are pressured to maintain and improve profitability even when times are most challenging. Read more.

Saudi Aramco claims 'Reliability Program of the Year' honors

Saudi Aramco was one of four finalists that presented reliability programs to conference attendees and a panel of judges at the 2015 Emerson Global Users Exchange. Read more.

Vapor recovery: How to save money and energy, too

John Zink Hamworthy talks about the company's energy-saving use of Emerson flame arrestor technology in its vapor recovery system designs. Read more.

Teaching old project teams new engineering tricks

When it's time to configure, today, the state of the art is 1.0, and autoconfiguration 2.0 is still a ways off. Read more.

McAfee, OSIsoft collaborations elevate Emerson expertise

Emerson wants to be a problem solver and one of the ways is through industry collaborations and partnerships. Read more.

Model predictive control tames oil sand wells

Process control engineer at Nexen and Spartan Controls showed how they accomplished managing SAGD well production through advanced process control. Read more.

Biogen goes virtual with DCS and MES systems

Biogen virtualized the infrastructure of an existing pharmaceutical manufacturing facility when converting legacy DCS to Emerson DeltaV and Syncade MES solution. Read more.

Project planning: When an educated estimate isn't good enough

Estimating controls migration is difficult and the number of unknowns is difficult especially when budgeting for projects a year or two in the future. Read more.

Smarter instruments add up to better maintenance for Mitsubishi Chemicals

The plant continues to find new ways to save thousands of man-hours while paring unplanned downtime. Read more.

Inferred measurement through predictive analytics

University of Texas researchers, together with Emerson subject matter experts, are using predictive analytics to infer stream compositions in real-time. Read more.

Leak detection helps wells meet OSHA PSM requirements

Josh Peters described how he uses two technologies—dual-channel gas monitoring and ultrasonic leak detection—to help Seneca meet the OSHA PSM mandate. Read more.

Arctic gold mine builds collaborative culture with technical links

New technical tricks for bridging the miles, increasing collaboration and reducing isolation is making arctic golf mining an easy thing. Read more.

Leverage diversity in a technical world

Groups with higher diversity are shown to perform better on problem solving for complex tasks. Read more.

Pfizer virtualizes, simplifies DeltaV system management

A way to consolidate and put the systems in a virtual environment so they can be managed and updated from a remote location. Read more.

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