On Wednesday April 13th I will be in New York to do an extended interview for an hour documentary on cyber security. The original focus of the documentary was almost completely on IT. I believe at least 10 minutes now will be devoted to control systems. We are making progress!
On Thursday April 14th, I have been invited by the Ambassador of Hungary to make a presentation at the Transatlantic Cybersecurity Research Workshop at the Hungarian Embassy, under the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The agenda for the Workshop is:
9:00 Welcome and opening remarks
Ambassador György Szapary
9:05 Introduction: Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar, Chair and Head of ad-hoc delegation of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), European Parliament
9:10 Keynote Address: Cybersecurity Legislation in the European Parliament
Mrs Sophie In't Veld, Rapporteur and LIBE Vice-Chair
9:25 Keynote Address: Legislative efforts on Cybersecurity in the US Congress
Former Congressman and Chair of the House Science and Technology Committee, Bart Gordon
9:40 Panel Discussion: Most Urgent and Emerging Cyberthreats to Critical Infrastructure
Mischel Kwon, Vice President of Public Sector Security, RSA
Brett Lambo, director, Cyber Excercise Program, DHS
Herbert Lin, Chief Scientist, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council of the National Academies,
Joe Weiss, researcher, Applied Control Solutions
Moderator: Lynn Van Fleit, Founder and Executive Director, Diplomacy Matters Institute
10:50 BREAK
11:00 Panel Discussion: Areas of potential cooperation in transatlantic Cybersecurity Research
Beatrice Covassi, Digital Europe Agenda, Delegation of the European Union
Clay Shields, Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Georgetown University
Peter Freeman, emeritus professor, College of Computing, Georgia Tech
Carl Landwehr, Director, Trustworthy Computing Program, CISE at National Science Foundation,
Jeff Moulton, Director, Information Operations and Program Development, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Moderator: Jeremy Bergsman, Practice Manager, Information Risk Executive Council, Corporate Executive Board
Hopefully, theses two high profile venues will expand the awareness of control system cyber security. I will provide my thoughts when I return.
Joe Weiss