#ARC Doug Donzelli talks about Apprion #apprion #pauto #mfg #manufacturing

Feb. 7, 2011

Donzelli introduced the new IONite Tag Location application.

+Easily locate specific assets immediately and visually

+View all plant assets and determine their status

+Maintain asset health, scheduled maintenance, safety and history

 You can do satellite map, like Google Maps, and also sitewide video.

Hardware introduction: IONite Asset Tag, IONite Personnel Tag, and other new stuff.

This architecture is a family of products coming out with a broader array of sensor inputs.

Donzelli introduced the new IONite Tag Location application.

+Easily locate specific assets immediately and visually

+View all plant assets and determine their status

+Maintain asset health, scheduled maintenance, safety and history

 You can do satellite map, like Google Maps, and also sitewide video.

Hardware introduction: IONite Asset Tag, IONite Personnel Tag, and other new stuff.

This architecture is a family of products coming out with a broader array of sensor inputs.

"The real value is not the location, but the applications that can be built on it," Donzelli said.

We are unique:

--open architecture provides freedom of choice

--industrial rated: rugged, Hardened.

--location plus temperature, condition, health, etc.

--Integrated and extensible

--complete -- full suite of Location-Aware ION Applications

ION Location Enables improved safety and security and improved operations and optimized asset utilization.

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