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Two new books from WBF! #wbf @momentumpress #pauto #mfg #manufacturing

Jan. 27, 2011

Arguably one of the most important standards for batch and process manufacturing is ISA88, commonly called the "batch standard." For years, although the responsibility for updating the standard belongs to the ISA88 committee, the WBF (formerly World Batch Forum) has been the educator, torchbearer and prostelyzer for both the "batch standard" and ISA95, the manufacturing standard. There's a revolving door between ISA88, ISA95 and WBF, and there likely always will be.

Arguably one of the most important standards for batch and process manufacturing is ISA88, commonly called the "batch standard." For years, although the responsibility for updating the standard belongs to the ISA88 committee, the WBF (formerly World Batch Forum) has been the educator, torchbearer and prostelyzer for both the "batch standard" and ISA95, the manufacturing standard. There's a revolving door between ISA88, ISA95 and WBF, and there likely always will be. In fact, last year, some ISA88, ISA95 and WBF alumni wrote a proposal to ISA which has become ISA106 "Procedure Controlled Automation." ISA106 seeks to adapt and extend the ISA88/95 learnings to all facets of automation. It has been said, "Continuous processes are simply batches extended in time, with a start, an operating phase and a stop or shutdown." ISA106 seeks to codify and standardize that statement.

I am pleased to report that Momentum Press (www.momentumpress.net) has just published the first two volumes in The WBF Series.  Full disclosure time here: I am listed as one of the editors, and there's a reason why I'm third. The real work of the series editors was done by Dennis Brandl, and above all by Bill Hawkins, a member of the Process Automation Hall of Fame. I did write the foreword, but that's about all, so I feel somewhat guilty taking any credit for this at all.

Volume One of the series is ISA-88 Implementation Experiences and covers actual implementations of the ISA-88 standard in a variety of industries, from the software industry to the specialty chemical industry to a fascinating implementation of the use of ISA-88 principles in a hot dip anodizing process!

The second book, Applying ISA-88 in Discrete and Continuous Manufacturing covers just the topic we created ISA-106 to explore and define: ISA-88 concepts applied to manufacturing other than batch.

 There will be at least two more volumes (ISA-95 Implementation Experiences and ISA-88 and ISA-95 in the Life Science Ind
ustries) published this month, with more in planning.
 These are essential for all control system engineers. You can purchase these books at http://www.momentumpress.net/taxonomy/term/106 or at Amazon.com.

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