Better Calibration with Electronics?

Feb. 23, 2009

In this space last year, we gave a detailed appraisal of what it takes to move from paper-based procedures to an automated electronic calibration system. The challenges were significant but not insurmountable, and this column will examine reasons to make the move.

Whether manual or automated, a calibration program contains five steps: planning, organization, execution, documentation and analysis. Planning consists of listing all instruments, deciding on calibration ranges and intervals, and developing standard operating procedures.

In this space last year, we gave a detailed appraisal of what it takes to move from paper-based procedures to an automated electronic calibration system. The challenges were significant but not insurmountable, and this column will examine reasons to make the move.

Whether manual or automated, a calibration program contains five steps: planning, organization, execution, documentation and analysis. Planning consists of listing all instruments, deciding on calibration ranges and intervals, and developing standard operating procedures.

During organization, resources are marshaled and trained to carry out the scheduled calibration tasks. The execution stage is where the actual instrument calibration takes place.

Documentation and storage of calibration results typically involves signing and approving calibration records. Based on calibration results, companies then have to analyze the data and optimize calibration intervals.

Click here to see how an automated calibration system consisting of electronic calibration software electronically linked to hand-held electronic documenting calibrators affects implementation of each of the five calibration program steps.

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