From Dr. Maurice Wilkins, Chairman of WBF:
To the Members and Sponsors of WBF,
We want to wish you a happy 2009, one in which the economy improves over 2008. We have some important news for you, and we'd like to ask you to take the time to read this message.
Several things have happened as a result of the severe economic downturn. First, we've elected to postpone our North American conference for 2009 to the latter part of the year.
We've also reorganized our management and made changes to better optimize our members' and sponsors' dues. Consistent with these objectives, we have decided to return home to our original association management company, KCA, and Kathy Christensen, who many of you may remember. ISA will no longer be performing association management services for WBF but this does NOT mean we're leaving the Automation Federation. There is substantial synergy as KCA also manages MESA International, with whom we share many members and goals. Your 2009 invoices for dues and sponsorship will now come from KCA.
Our two management positions are Executive Director, which is filled by Katie Elsberry of KCA, and our new Technical Director, George Devine. You'll be hearing from both of them soon.
Finally, we want to share that we will be hosting an Executive Summit Conference on Procedure-Based Manufacturing for media, sponsors and interested parties on April 23, 2009, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Rosemont, IL near O'Hare International Airport. We will be announcing some major changes for WBF, give you all a chance to listen to some significant speakers, and invite you all to attend the Process Automation Hall of Fame dinner, honoring this year's five significant contributors to the art and science of automation, including Renzo Dallimonti, Cecil Smith, Carroll Ryskamp, Hans Baumann and J. Patrick Kennedy. Information on this conference will be available shortly.
We believe WBF has the ability to help you not only do your job better, but to show you how to help your company weather the current economic storm, and come out of it better, faster, leaner, and well placed to compete in the 21st century.
We invite you to continue this journey with us.
Best regards,
Dr. Maurice Wilkins
WBF Chairman
107 S. Southgate Dr. * Chandler, AZ 85226 * 480-403-4610 * 480-893-7775 *