Dick Caro's article on the state of wireless is finally up.

April 11, 2008
It is so important, both to Dick Caro and to me that we get this exactly right, that Dick's article has been subjected to one of the most intense editing processes I've ever put an article through. Comments were solicited from everybody involved in both SP100 and the HART Communication Foundation. Facts were checked and re-checked by me, by Dick, and by the editorial team. We think we're done. We've also tried very hard to not inject any hint of personal bias into this article. I took out some ...
It is so important, both to Dick Caro and to me that we get this exactly right, that Dick's article has been subjected to one of the most intense editing processes I've ever put an article through. Comments were solicited from everybody involved in both SP100 and the HART Communication Foundation. Facts were checked and re-checked by me, by Dick, and by the editorial team. We think we're done. We've also tried very hard to not inject any hint of personal bias into this article. I took out some stuff Dick wrote in an earlier version, and he returned the favor a couple of times on stuff I added to the piece. I will allow a small bias to creep in here. In my humble opinion as your editor, this is one of the best articles Dick Caro has ever written.  We're proud to present it. You can find it at any of these fine, upstanding URLs: http://www.controlglobal.com/0804_caro.html http://www.controlglobal.com/articles/2008/099.html http://www.controlglobal.com/extras/magexclusives.html

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