Recently I got into a discussion about YouTube with Emerson's Chief Blogger, Jim Cahill. Jim noted that he was concerned because many companies' IT departments are now blocking YouTube, Flicker, and other so-called "social media" websites on the grounds that employees are fritterin' away just man-weeks of valuable company time.
That may be so, but think again.
A cursory search of YouTube for the searchstring "automation" returns about 3500 (!!!) entries, many of which are relevant. If you get looking deeper, you find:
- "process control" - over 1800 entries
- "pressure measurement" -- 16 entries
- "temperature measurement" -- 35 entries
- "industrial wireless" -- 47 entries (including a very long lecture series by Kris Pister of UC Berkeley (and Dust Networks) who is arguably one of the "inventors" of mesh networking.