Jim Pinto has written a couple of articles recently that I think are must read...they speak to exactly the points he, and I, and people like Peter Martin and many others, have been making for several years now.
The first is: Engineer - re-engineer yourself (Automation.com June 2007)-
U.S. leadership is at risk in the global economy when engineering follows manufacturing in going offshore. Engineers must re-engineer themselves to re-vitalize their own careers and generate renewed success. http://jimpinto.com/writings/re-engineer.htmlThe second article is: The Art of Leadership (Automation World June 2007)
Whatever you do, you can enhance your job, your results -and your pay - by acquiring leadership skills. http://jimpinto.com/writings/leadershipart.htmlI can't say I always agree with Jim, but we agree on very many things, and everything he said in each of these articles I wholeheartedly endorse and agree with. Second that emotion.