Yucai Zhu, president of Tai Ji Control, www.taijicontrol.com
Tai-Ji (Tai Chi) is the Chinese system of balanced philosophy. "I thought, wow! This is control! So I named my company Tai-Ji."
A few words about MPC: MPC is the standardtool for advanced process control with tremendous benefits in the refining/petrochem industry, with maybe 10,000 applications according to some people. Other industreies are starting MPC trials.
MPC success factors are good understanding of the process operation and a good process model. Model identification is the most time consuming and difficult task in MPC projects and maintenance.
Traditional approach to Industrial MPC:
- functional design and benefit study (10%)
- pretest (10%)
- Plant step test and model identification (40%)
- Controller simulation and tuning (15%)
- Controller commissioning and operator training (25%)
- Controller Maintenance (mainly re-identification)
- the tradtional approach is a manual, single variable test, very long.
- Open loop test, more disturbing.
- Nonparametric model (FIR) based, less accurate.
- Model validation/selection is trial and error and process knowledge.
- Automatic multivarialbe test; much shorter
- Closed loop test if possible, less disturbing
- parametric (compact) model, more accurate
- model validation using grading (A, B. C and D)
- combines the strength of Tai-Ji Control and Matrikon
- testing and identification in one piece
- Challenges in MPC and process control:
- cost of MPC is too high, even for the refining/petrochem industry
- due to high cost, it is difficult to apply MPC in other process industries
- over 50% of PID loops perform poorly
- experienced control engineers are leaving/retiring
- connectivity module (OPC)
- modeling module: online identification
- application module: MPC tuning/control, PID tuning/control. monitor and diagnosis program
- Key differences: automatic model development and maintenance, online and in realtime
- online identification plays the key role
- adaption is included, though not sample-wise.
- obtains models using closed loop identification
- closed loop tests do not disturb unit operation
- highly efficient, can test and tune 10 loops simultaneously
- tuning cascade loops using one test
- using multivariable models to tune interactive loops and to provide decoupling parameters
- many process units change opeartion range frequently, like polymer units, lubricate oil units, power plants, air separation plants
- good control at working points and fast/smooth transition control are desired
- Linear MPC will nto perform well
- use multi-models or LPV