Trevor Hrycay of Suncor and Mike Brown of Matrikon presented a research project with University of Alberta, Suncor and Matrikon. Mike Brown indicated that this project provides a "three legged stool" for looking at real deployment, determining the real issues of adoption, reformulating work processes, etc.: the IRC Research Chair.
Suncor is an integrated energy company, the first player in the oilsands. Now they produce 300Kbbls per day. Suncor operates in both Canada and the US, going to 5000Kbbls per day by 2010.
Oil sands extraction challenges:
- Key measurements unavailable
- distant locations even on the plant site
- tracking the performance and maintenance of equipment, processes and control systems
- pipe and pump wear due to slurry transportation
- level of automation and instrumentation have a direct impact on production
- alarm reduction
- critical instrument monitoring
- Alarm reduction
- instrument monitoring-- detection of several malfunctioning instruments
- controllers-- identification of key constraints and protential bottlenecks; loop tuning currently in progress based on findings