Matrikon Summit 2007

May 8, 2007
"Matrikon is growing," says CEO Amin Rawji, "and this is reflected in the number of countries attending this event this year. We are truly a global company." "Our vision," he said, "is to be the key company to help you reach your operational excellence goals by helping manage all operational data. We offer a common technology infrastructure, with all of our products on this common ...
"Matrikon is growing," says CEO Amin Rawji, "and this is reflected in the number of countries attending this event this year. We are truly a global company." "Our vision," he said, "is to be the key company to help you reach your operational excellence goals by helping manage all operational data. We offer a common technology infrastructure, with all of our products on this common infrastructure, with a common metadata model." Matrikon is making changes. Product names are being changed to better reflect what the product is and what it does. For example, Process Guard is now Alarm Manager. Dr. Dave Shook, Matrikon's Chief Technical Officer, whose favorite group is BareNakedLadies, and whose hobbies include rebuilding sports cars and blacksmithing, spoke next. "The question is," he said, "can I combine all three of those, have some BareNakedLadies in a sports car..." "I'm going to talk about what's new." We are in a Red Queen's Race. It takes all the running you can do to stay in place. If you want to get anywhere you need to run twice as fast. That's a great metaphor for what our situation is, in business globally. Markets are wide open, and input costs are global. Instead of competing with just two or three companies, a couple of whom are not as smart as you, you are competing globally with some very smart people in the global marketplace for all the dollars. You are also competing in the global knowledge person market, too. Finding good people is getting harder to do, and will continue to be hard as people retire. Our market verticals: Oil and Gas, Mining, Power, Refining and Chemicals, Pulp and Paper all have the same goals: Operational Excellence...they all have somewhat different vocabularies, but the goals are the same. They want to lower cost, raise profits, and make sure that the CEO doesn't go to jail. Systematic management of efficiency, reliability, and HSE to achieve world-class performance: Operational Excellence. Matrikon's background, our strength, is in the process industries. That means we can take innovations from one industry and leverage them throughout the entire group of process verticals we cover. If you are looking for advances, you should speak to people in industries other than your own, because some of them are further ahead than you are. The first level down in Operational Excellence is about filling the supply chain, "goo in a pipe." We call that Production Management. Then there is Asset Effectiveness: the amount you get out of your fixed assets. It is also about the people who run the processes: Operational Optimization. The problem is that excellence is the consequence of continuous attention to detail and stamina. Mediocrity is easy, excellence is hard. One of the things that make the process industries unique is that we rely on instrumentation to tell us what went where, and how. We don't actually deal with the product, so much as we deal with the information about the product. The process industries were one of the first information industries. The operational people are the meat in the sandwich between "what we are going to do" and "what we are going to do it with." Many companies have a balanced scorecard with a variety of KPIs: throughput, cost, compliance, safety, uptime, efficiency, etc. In operations, there are multiple roles, departments and processes, just as at the plant floor, there are multiple applications with "multiple versions of the truth": ERP. DCS, LIMS, MES, Historian, EAM, SCADA, etc. These roles are being squeezed even more because of the dearth of qualified people. So these goals and objectives come cascading down from the executive suite...this year's, this quarter's, this month's, this week's, today's...etc. These cascade all the way down to the setpoints of the controllers and the tasks of the operators and maintenance workers. Then we have all this data, whether manually entered or acquired by a DAQ system, and this data goes upward to the people who have the pieces of the goals and objectives. And the data doesn't work. The data always has discrepancies, and it takes a long time to get data you can do something with. You cannot manage what you cannot measure, and you cannot use measurement if you can't measure quickly and easily. The gap consists of:
  • Timely access to complete reliable information about operations
  • Automated transfer of data among operational systems
  • self-maintaining applications
If you can tell, during a shift, that there is a problem, you can fix it. If you only find out in the monthly rollup, you can't do anything to solve the problem. The role of enabling technology:  (How long did it take to create an economically viable airline? 32 years to the day after the Wrights flew, the DC3 flew its first flight. The enabling technologies included high-power-to-weight ratio engines, monocoque aluminum construction, retractable undercarriage, steering with flaps. The Boeing 247 had most, but not all of these. The DC3 had the package of viable enabling technologies that made it profitable. Nobody cared about those enabling technologies-- just that it worked!) About Matrikon Suite: SOA Platform (Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence) Collect-->Aggregate and Contextualize-->Analyze-->Visualize and Propagate The enabling technology we have is Universal Connectivity, with Matrikon OPC Server. Our OPC suite is the universal connection to all the data in the plant. Then we have another enabling technology, our Asset Centric Plant Model, and a third, our Calculation Engine. This means that we can make real products and make them work across all the process industries. Then we have the Universal Visualization products. Now here's the bit that makes it economical to tie in these applications and put them in place: Multilingual Web Service Interface. This is the "flaps" that the DC3 had, and that the Boeing 247 did not-- the piece that completes the economic viability puzzle. ISA S-95, Mimosa, Open O&M, are only ways to talk about the data, not how you should organize the data. It is really our universal connectivity taken to the web service environment. It is the NEW OPC if you will. The Technology Adoption Life Cycle The first group is INNOVATORS. Next are the EARLY ADOPTERS. Then come the PRAGMATISTS. These are all on the upswing of the adoption cycle curve, up to the peak and shortly after. The SKEPTICS follow the adoption curve down, and the TRADITIONALISTS follow the curve all the way down (we also call these people "laggards.") The innovators and early adopters are driven by a vision. The pragmatists and skeptics are waiting for others to succeed, and the traditionalists don't want anything to change. The focus of the early adopters and innovators is technology. The pragmatists and skeptics are focused on the business problem, and the traditionalists are traditional. The innovators and early adopters want (or will accept) infrastructure innovation. They are looking for the enabling technology. The pragmatists and skeptics don't care what's under the hood, they just want something that will solve their problems. The traditionalists will take on technology change when they are forced to. At Matrikon, with MI3, our communication was almost entirely focused on early adopters and innovators. Because that's what WE are: innovators. We are in love with new technology. "Look at how cool!" The rest of you want to know if it is going to make money, if it is going to make your life easier, and if it has been done in more than one place, successfully. We need to provide you business case, case studies, statistics. As far as the traditionalists are concerned, we aren't interested in pushing a rope. Having spent the last year learning about YOU, we have now made some changes in US. We are focusing on the value proposition, not the technology. We are trying to make our products easier to understand and easier to use. Changes:
  • Product names now explain what the products do
  • products are organized by the spect of the operational excellence challenge they address
  • enhanced and extended services offering-- particularly in alarm management
  • new vertical applications built on horizontal products
 We've also brought in a partner to help with the high end control technology improvement and optimization problems in many parts of the world. What's still the same: We aren't giving up our technical leadership: Tai-ji PID, NetCalc, NetKPI, and our quality focus have not changed and will not change. Matrikon suite bridges the gap between plant instrumentation and business systems to:
  • support operational exceelence goals and objectives
  • drive operational intelligence
The products themselves:Production Management: Performance Manager, Plan Manager, Materials Manager, Production Accounting. Planing. Logistics. Execution. Asset Effectiveness: Network Security Manager, Downtime Reporter, Process Performance Monitor, Equipment Condition Monitor-- the products do what their names say they do. Security. Reliability. Performance. Operations Optimization: Alarm Manager, Operations Logbook, Control Performance Monitor, Operational Insight. Monitoring. Reporting. Compliance. For the Oil & Gas Vertical: Well performance Manager, Production Management. For Mining: Mobile Equipment Monitor, Mine to Port Matrikon Suite is enabling technology for plant optimization.

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