Expertune expands to the enterprise...

April 17, 2007
George Buckbee announced yesterday the availability of Expertune Enterprise and PlantTriage 7.0. PlantTriage 7.0's important feature is the ability to integrate with the enterprise-- AND an innovative use of token and string technology to enable easy integration of PlantTriage into any language, including two-byte languages such as Japanese and Chinese. He also introduced a new product  called ProcessApex which takes realtime advice to the unit operations level! This is a good thing, and it is ...
George Buckbee announced yesterday the availability of Expertune Enterprise and PlantTriage 7.0. PlantTriage 7.0's important feature is the ability to integrate with the enterprise-- AND an innovative use of token and string technology to enable easy integration of PlantTriage into any language, including two-byte languages such as Japanese and Chinese. He also introduced a new product  called ProcessApex which takes realtime advice to the unit operations level! This is a good thing, and it is about time somebody is doing it. Now there will be a lot of people who argue that it is already being done, but we need to do more of it, and Expertune's take on it is novel and interesting. Now let's see us take it from unit ops to facility ops to enterprise ops, shall we?

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