ABB chief technology officer Peter Terwiesch led us on a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride through the future of technology this morning as he discussed ABB's technical roadmap.
Terweisch went through the standard challenges and the drivers for R&D. Then he talked about some coming technology trends:
*MEMS: Terweisch talked about the ABB partnership with MIT to develop MEMS relays-- they've gotten to over 100 volts in a highly robust 2 mm width.
*FTIR: Fourier Transform Infrared analyzers for online as well as laboratory
*Using the noise and the signal for diagnostics and improved measurement-- he discussed impulse line detection, vibration reduction in vortex meters and bubble detection in magmeters as examples
*digital communications and wireless-- first penetration will be HART wireless "there are so many instruments out there that are getting smarter, but they are a little introverted," he quipped.
*Integrating electrical and instrumentation controls
*Software-- new methodologies for testing, prototyping, new architectures and increased emphasis on security
*Process engineering tool integration with full bidirectionality
*Asset management
*Macro optimization of entire plants
Terweisch ended with a quick look at discrete manufacturing as well.
Walt Boyes
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