I just received an email from a PR counsel at a VERY large PR firm that handles PR for at least a half dozen automation company clients. I'm going to quote parts of the email, but try very hard to shield the identity of the writer and the firm and its clients, as I usually do.
The email first said: "The first press release I had sent on 2/14/07 on behalf of [client]. I noticed on your editorial calendar that you have a focus entitled "Motors & Drives" that is slated to run in your April issue of Control Design, so I sent along a release which detailed [client]'s [product name]."
Of course, as is clear from the Control Design media kit, Joe Feeley is the editor of CD, not me. It pays, sometimes, to RTFMK. (explanation of the acronym not really necessary, is it?)
Wait! But there's more! And at no extra charge!!