final words from Bologna on wireless...

Jan. 15, 2007

PlantWeb University on Wireless

Emerson has set up a whole section of PlantWeb University to teach wireless. Granted, it will be with an Emerson spin, but what I've seen is useful and interesting, and a great introduction to the intricacies and complexities of wireless in the industrial environment. Emerson says they're offering 19 new classes on wireless. Visit PlantWeb University for details.

BP Speaks...but only at Emerson events

PlantWeb University on Wireless

Emerson has set up a whole section of PlantWeb University to teach wireless. Granted, it will be with an Emerson spin, but what I've seen is useful and interesting, and a great introduction to the intricacies and complexities of wireless in the industrial environment. Emerson says they're offering 19 new classes on wireless. Visit PlantWeb University for details.

BP Speaks...but only at Emerson events

At the event in Bologna, BP spokesman, Tassos Anastasiou, of the Refinery of the Future project, spoke glowingly in his user testimonial about the Emerson Smart Wireless product, saying, "I can confirm, as a third party, everything Emerson is saying." This matches the things BP said at the Emerson Exchange last year, regarding the Cherry Point Refinery project. Anastasiou, however, when asked to identify the European location of the wireless test site, declined. BP's willingness to be forthcoming, but only at Emerson managed events, is both a help and a hindrance for Emerson. Within BP, it certainly bolsters Emerson's wireless sales capability, that's sure. But outside BP, it is easy for Emerson's competition to raise FUD about exactly how well the wireless projects did/are work/ing. I would like to visit Cherry Point, and include the project in the wireless cover story I'm working on for the August Control. I've asked and not been told yes. We've also invited an engineer from Cherry Point to MCAA to be on a panel...and last I heard, BP had declined. Too bad. Wireless is on such a tenuous footing in the plant environment that it would be nice if BP would be a little more forthcoming.

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