Hello All,
Again, I am getting lost in the high demand for systems and methods for implementing MOM systems and methods by companies to transform their production capability from Make-to-Stock paper-based manufacturing to the 21st Century "TO BE" adaptive manufacturing form. I need to provide this blog more time. With that said, I will be better. But I need you as a reader to be better as well. Please tell this group about your production transformation issue and journey.
So this week I have been participating in the ISA-95 Committee Meeting. As usual, the debate and contributions have been very good by the core group. End-user participation is still GREATLY NEEDED for THE STANDARD for adaptive manufacturing at this point in history of manufacturing and social transition. f all the comments submitted (Very good and informed comments) at this meeting , NONE of them are from end users. This real crisis is a true crisis and need to be raised to your executive management as such. THE QUALITY AND USABILTY OF THIS STANDARD WILL DETERMINE THE SUCCESS OF YOUR COMPANY. DISAGREEE? WHY?