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Live from the 2018 Triconex User Group

Oct. 16, 2018

Headlines from Tuesday, Oct. 16

Schneider Electric wants you to think differently about safety

Schneider Electric’s Steve Elliott explained how the company’s EcoStruxure Triconex safety solutions can help to actively manage the profitability of process operations. Read more.

Panel traces dynamic evolution of SIS best practices

"The most important aspect of safety standards is that they give practitioners a common and uniform vocabulary for carrying out their safety efforts," said Dr. Farshad Hendi, safety practice leader, Americas and Europe, Schneider Electric. Read more.

Triconex technology making safety yet more profitable

"Validation took 16 hours instead of the previous 54 hours per burner, and the facility was able to start up four days earlier," said Triconex's Chris Stogner, while co-presenting the "Triconex Technology Update." Read more.

BASF undertakes inventory of safety instrumented functions

Five steps for making a detailed safety system asset inventory for safety, security and lifecycle issues from BASF’s Martin Roser. Read more.

Anatomy of a cyber-attack and successful recovery

How a large oil and gas refinery and petrochemical facility in the Middle East that was subjected to a premeditated, focused and sustained cyber intrusion and attack recovered with the help of Schneider Electric. Read more.

Latest safety controller boasts small footprint, fast I/O bus

Schneider Electric’s Tricon CX v11.4 is a powerful safety system that enables secure connectivity among systems, assets and people, and allows for better real-time operations and business decision-making. Along with more robust cyber-hardening and enhanced performance, it can handle up to 750,000 TMR I/O distributed across 254 peer-to-peer nodes. Read more.

Headlines from Wednesday, Oct. 17

Safety excellence cuts costs, boosts profits at Petronas

Safety isn’t free, but doing it right can improve profits when it reduces the costs of unreliability. Sharul Rashid, principal engineer, instrument control systems, Petronas, explained how Petronas refinery in Malaysia achieved profitable safetyRead more.

Schneider Electric solutions make safety pay off

The company proved process safety is profitable in a multi-booth tour of its Innovation Hub exhibit hall at its EcoStruxure Triconex User Group conference. Read more.

Focus on resilience to cultivate Safety II mindset

“What most people think about now is what we call Safety I. Some new concepts are leading us to Safety II,” explained Steve Cutchen, investigator, U.S. Chemical Safety Board. Realizing that people are resilient and using that strength gets us to Safety II. Read more.

Closing the loop on safety system maintenance

"Systematic safety issues and failures are real, but they're rarely addressed appropriately," says Daniel Poston. To head off hazards, threats and incidents, end users must start with the right criteria for their applications and facilitiesRead more.

Trident retrofit packs high availability into small footprint

Brad Wentling outlines the three factors that were top of mind when he was looking to modernize the controls on his employer’s trio of olefin compressor trains and what led him to ultimately choose a system centered on Schneider Electric's Trident SIS Logic Solver platform. Read more.

Industrial IoT tech not ready for safety system prime time

"What we need is a new infrastructure, not the IIoT," Herman Storey said as he discussed industrial network and device management needs at this week’s EcoStruxure Triconex User Group meeting. "It’s not yet available." Read more.