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Robots try out for oil and gas hazardous area rig duty

July 13, 2015
Robot modeled off ESA's ExoMars rover tries to win spot on oil and gas rigs around the globe.

A robot modeled off of ESA's ExoMars rover is trying to win a spot at oil and gas rigs around the globe to work in remote hazardous environments.

This robot, developed by a team led by Spain's GMV, is competing in the Total oil and gas company's Autonomous Robot for Gas and Oil Sites (Argos) Challenge. The three-year competition is encouraging the creation of robots to work on hydrocarbon production sites in .

Total envisages that  will strengthen operators' safety by performing routine, repetitive tasks such as inspections, as well as detecting anomalies, alerting operators and intervening in emergencies. GMV's Foxiris consortium was one of five teams chosen in 2014 as a competitor.

"We want the robot to be able to move anywhere on a production facility that a human can go today," explained Kris Kydd, Total's Argos project manager from the company's Exploration & Production R&D Department. "Then, using artificial intelligence, we want the robots to be able to read and record the values on the instrumentation, and to know autonomously whether they are normal or not. If there is an abnormal situation, the robot has to alert the remote operator."

The robots must pass three sets of tests at a plant in Lacq, France, the first of which took place in June. The gas dehydration unit features stairs, narrow walkways and obstacles typical of those found in production plants.

Following the first set of five days' intensive and challenging tests, the Argos jury commented, "Foxiris distinguished itself by its exceptional endurance."

Foxiris carries internal navigation sensors and scientific instruments including cameras, thermal imagers, gas sensors and microphones. These allow it to inspect and monitor pressure dials, valves and level gauges, detect hot surfaces, sound alarms and localise gas leaks.