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Duncan picked to lead Yokogawa in U.S.

July 8, 2015
Yokogawa Corp. of America appoints Daniel Duncan as president and CEO.
Yokogawa Corp. of America reports that Daniel Duncan has been appointed president and CEO of Yokogawa's North American operations. He has been Yokogawa's COO since July 2014.

Duncan was previously vice president and general manager of Siemens Energy Inc.'s oil and gas division in Houston, where he was responsible for the Americas. Duncan has also worked for Honywell Process Solutions and Georgia Power, and holds a B.S. in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Former president and CEO of Yokogawa Corp. of America, Chet Mroz, has transitioned into the role of executive advisor for strategy and innovation, where he will support globalization efforts and industrial automation growth initiatives for parent company Yokogawa Electric Co.