Rockwell Device Integration Documents Save Time and Cost with PlantPAx System
Rockwell Automation has created a full library of integration documents that supply information on installation, configuration, startup and operation, and provide assurance these field devices meet PlantPAx system interoperability performance measures. A series of these documents are based on testing the compatibility of Endress+Hauser instruments via FOUNDATION fieldbus to the PlantPAx system.
View the FOUNDATION fieldbus Integration Documents for: Promass 83 Flowmeter, iTEMP TMT 162 Temperature Transmitter, Prowirl 73 Flowmeter, Cerabar S Pressure Transmitter and Deltabar S Differential Pressure Transmitter. The library also contains Integration Documents for HART, Profibus and EtherNet/IP technology as well as test reports for many other device suppliers.
For additional information, visit the Rockwell Automation website.