Honeywell announced its next generation Terminal Manager server software built on the Experion® platform, offering full integration of fire and gas, closed circuit television (CCTV), access control, Digital Video Manager and Enterprise Building Integrator systems. Terminal Manager R620 includes the industry’s first configurable workflows for faster set up, setting a new standard in terminal integration.
“This release marks a major advance in terminal automation for an integratedsolution built around a standard platform that also improves safety and security,” said Richard Thompson, general manager of Honeywell Enraf.
“Tighter integration means better control of security, safety, inventory management, reconciliation, order management and workflows. Ultimately, it means operators are more likely to achieve their business goals,” said Thompson.
The configurable workflows and a modular approach in the latest release of Terminal Manager significantly reduce the time needed to build the system by minimizing or eliminating the need for customization to specific operations.
It enables users to quickly set up the software to give a broad overview and in depth control of key parameters such as product availability and movement, tank status, alarms, orders, shipments, shifts, loading bay availability, entries and exits.
Honeywell Enraf’s next generation Terminal Manager R620 is suitable for all bulk terminals and is compliant with the latest Experion PKS SCADA for medium and large size terminals and with Experion HS for smaller terminals.
For further details about Honeywell Enraf’s solutions for better terminal operations visit