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Science Channel Joins Manufacturing Day as Official Media Partner

June 24, 2013
Science Channel and "How It Works," one of the Discovery Communications channels has joined Manufacturing Day (October 4) as official media partner and sponsor.

Manufacturing is going mainstream again. The popularity of shows about manufacturing processes has shown that there is great interest among young people in the technical details of how things are made. One of the most important things to take note of is that manufacturers are not waiting for government to "do something" and are taking the initiative with events like the second annual Manufacturing Day. Manufacturing Day 2013 is October 4th, and will give the public, especially young people interested in careers in manufacturing, a good look at modern manufacturing technologies.

One of Science Channel's "How It Works" most popular episodes: Sausage Making

Science Channel has joined Manufacturing Day 2013 as official media partner, and the network's popular series HOW IT's MADE has been named official program partner. Science Channel's involvement will provide resources to participants in the national initiative—a grassroots effort by manufacturers to improve public perception of manufacturing in America by coordinating awareness-raising activities across the country on October 4, 2013. Science Channel will support Manufacturing Day across its portfolio, including the extremely popular manufacturing-focused series HOW IT'S MADE, online on ScienceChannel.com, and across various Science Channel social media platforms.

"As part of Discovery Communications' continuing commitment to STEM education, Science Channel and HOW IT'S MADE are extremely proud to serve as the media and program partners for the second annual Manufacturing Day," said Debbie Adler Myers, General Manager and Executive Vice President of Science Channel. "On October 4, Science Channel viewers will have the chance to see HOW IT'S MADE live in their own communities."

Manufacturing Day brings together hundreds of manufacturers to host students, teachers, parents, job seekers and other local community members at open houses designed to showcase modern manufacturing technology and careers. The Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA), the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the Manufacturing Institute (MI), the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST MEP), and Industrial Strength Marketing (ISM) serve as a panel of co-producers to provide centralized support and coordination for a broad array of simultaneous events.

"Manufacturing Day is a great way for industry, schools, and government to collaborate and offer the public an opportunity to see how U.S. products are made in their own communities," said Phil Singerman, acting director of NIST MEP. "We are glad to have the Science Channel and its television show HOW IT'S MADE working with us to spark greater interest in pursuing science, engineering, technology and other needed careers in the manufacturing sector. We hope many more people and organizations will join us in this effort."

To learn more about Manufacturing Day, visit www.mfgday.com. Organizations that wish to become involved as official sponsors should call 888-394-4362 or email[email protected]. For more information on Science Channel, visit ScienceChannel.com,facebook.com/ScienceChannel and twitter.com/Science Channel.