The economy is still in tough shape but we are starting to hear about new job openings in the automation industry. This is welcome news for all! So the 6th Annual ISA Marketing & Sales Summit has added a Jobs Fair to the program.
JOBS FAIR: ISA Marketing & Sales Summit
September 9, 2011
10:45am – 12:45pm
Chase Park Plaza Hotel, St. Louis, MO
We have set aside a time for employers and candidates to talk during the Summit. If you are interested in participating in the Jobs Fair, contact Shari Worthington. All candidate information will be kept confidential. Employer job openings will be promoted before, during, and after the Summit.
Employers: $500 fee to host a table at the Jobs Fair and be included in pre- and post-event promotions
Job Candidates: No charge for participation
Contact Shari Worthington
Telesian Technology
email: [email protected]