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Emerson invites partners to join Earth Month competition

March 17, 2023
Staff, customers and suppliers encouraged to take individual actions drives sustainable habits for cumulative impact during Earth Month Ecochallenge in April

Emerson reported Feb. 28 that it’s challenging its employees, customers and suppliers to participate in the 2023 Earth Month Ecochallenge, a global competition to inspire individuals to implement science-based, sustainable behaviors in their daily lives.

The challenge begins the first day of Earth Month, April 1, and ends April 30. Registration opened Feb. 28 at, which is a nonprofit platform established in 1993 to create a community driving global change.

 “The power to change our industry and the world begins with us,” said Mike Train, chief sustainability officer at Emerson. “Our team is fully committed to being part of the solution, yet we can’t do it alone. The best way to achieve impact at-scale is to use our voice and global reach to energize action across our entire value chain, from suppliers to customers, as well as neighbors in our communities. The multiplier effect is key to a sustainable future.”

Last year, Emerson was among 280 participating companies and is serving as the presenting sponsor of the 2023 Earth Day Month Ecochallenge. Emerson reports it’s building on the success of the 2022 campaign and encouraging its customers, suppliers and partners to participate and achieve new records of collective sustainability action. More than 1,300 Emerson employees from 43 countries participated in 2022, saving an estimated 500 kg of CO2 emissions, conducting 59 energy audits, and ensuring that more than 3,000 meals were zero-waste by serving them in reusable or recyclable packaging with no discarded food.

Ecochallenge organizes actions based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in five categories: basic needs and security, health and equity, education and livelihood, economy and community, and climate and ecosystems. Throughout an entire month, participants commit to concrete actions like carpooling, planting a tree, watching educational documentaries or spending more time outside volunteering in their communities. Points are awarded for each action taken, and participants can join teams to compete for the most points. Actions are recorded systematically throughout Earth Month to demonstrate the cumulative impact of global participants.