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Moxa joins Avnu Alliance to promote time-sensitive networking

June 28, 2023

Moxa Inc. reported May 30 that it’s joined Avnu Alliance, an industry forum driving deterministic capabilities into open, standards-based networking, as a promoter member to advance time-sensitive networking (TSN) ecosystem interoperability. Moxa reports that joining Avnu will help it develop a unified network infrastructure that permits all types of traffic to coexist for real-time communications, low latency and high-reliability requirements in diverse applications.

Moxa and Avnu are also members of the TSN Industrial Automation Conformance Collaboration (TIACC, https://www.tiacc.net), which is an industrial initiative to drive TSN interoperability. Avnu and other industry protocol organizations and their members are working towards a jointly agreed and owned test plan for the industrial automation market. Other TIACC members include the CC-Link Partner Association, ODVA, OPC Foundation, and Profibus-Profinet International.

“As one of the pioneers in developing TSN standards, Moxa has committed to collaborating with key industry players and customers to bridge the gap between standard Ethernet and industrial applications, and speed up cross-vendor interoperability of automation components in automation systems,” says Jack Lin, product manager and project lead of Moxa’s global TSN Initiative. “Membership in Avnu aligns with our global strategies and our vision for TSN as the network for the future of industrial automation. Avnu and Moxa have many synergies with our work in TIACC and our shared goal of interoperability and coexistence in open, standard networks.”

Moxa is involved in many TSN standardization projects worldwide, including the IEC/IEEE 60802 TSN profile for industrial automation, IEEE 802.1 TSN Task Group, etc. In 2018, it also launched in what it reports is the industry’s first TSN-enabled switch with all ports supporting TSN.

Moxa adds it’s also dedicated significant effort and commitment to the world’s most significant TSN interoperability testbeds to ensure that TSN solutions are stable and reliable before going to market. These include:

  • Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) TSN testbed,
  • Labs Network Industrie (LNI) 4.0 testbed for TSN,
  • Edge Computing Consortium (ECC) OPC UA TSN testbed,
  • Alliance of Industrial Internet (AII) TSN testbed in China,
  • China Electronics Standardization Institute (CESI) TSN testbed, and
  • Taiwan Institute formation Industry (III) TSN testbed.

“Moxa brings over a half-decade of experience developing TSN infrastructure to the Avnu Alliance, as well as a strong commitment to the APAC region, specifically in China and Taiwan, which will help bring Avnu the capacity to expand our reach and community,” adds said Dave Cavalcanti, president of Avnu Alliance. “Moxa also has shown a deep commitment to driving network convergence and interoperability through its work with the TIACC and participation in industry TSN test beds. We look forward to working together with Moxa to grow the ecosystem of interoperable wired and wireless TSN products that will benefit multiple industries.”

About the Author

Jim Montague | Executive Editor

Jim Montague is executive editor of Control.