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Resource guide: Workflows and collaboration made easier

Oct. 16, 2019
Control's monthly guide brings you invaluable industry information to stay up to date on the latest trends and developments.

Definition, benefits of workflows—and video

This online article "Save time by taking the time: creating workflows" at the Smartsheet work execution platform website includes: workflow definition, 10 unexpected benefits, key components, history, examples across industries, improvement theories, management and BPM software, differences from project management, benefits and features, and how to automate workflows. Also, Smartsheet has a one-hour video on "Becoming a workflow design expert" detailing goals, roles, visibility and processes. 


Workflow software roundup

The workflow management subsection of Capterra's software selection website contains summaries, links, filterable searches and other information about 362 packages, including TrackVia, HighGear, Wrike, BP Logix Process Director, monday.com, Ansana, Tonkean and many others. 


Two project management videos

First, a 15-minute video "Project management" from Beginning Engineers reports the tools and knowledge areas involved in project management are the first steps to becoming a great project manager.  Second, a 10-minute video, "Process improvement: Six Sigma and Kaizen methodologies" by Devin Dean, content director at ProjectManagement.com covers the basic process improvement methods offered by Six Sigma and Kaizen.

Beginning Engineers

Simpler engineering workflows

Slack for Teams collaboration software for engineering can be used for development, automation, incidents, communication and shipping. Its website has suggested channels for deployment, such as how to hold group conversations between team members, discover outages and software bugs faster by monitoring issues as they come in, and streamline development by integrating automation tools in one place. The site also offers IDC research reports backing up these tools, as well as some user experiences, e-books and blog posts.


How to manage PLM and PDM

This 50-minute video, "Managing data with Teamcenter" by Madison Rye, application engineering manager at AllyPLM/Prolim, details capabilities of Teamcenter software focusing on PDM and PLM, data management challenges and how a single source of data management can benefit users and their teams. Also, a related eight-minute video is "Teamcenter by Siemens—Introduction to PLM and PDM" by Teknologix. 

Teknologix ph

Sharepoint articles, eBook, blog and video, too

The main webpage for Microsoft's SharePoint web-based collaboration platform that is part of its Microsoft Office software suite includes: two free e-books, "Five reasons to move to a collaboration suite" and "Innovation is a team sport"; articles on collaboration, such as "Four ways to better teamwork using Intranet software"; a bi-weekly "Intrazone" podcast featuring discussions with SharePoint experts; and other SharePoint resources. It's at https://products.office.com/en-us/sharepoint/collaboration Also, Microsoft offers a 20-minute video, "Organizing your document and automating your process with SharePoint" by Miceile Barrett.


Group-based discussion, collaboration

Community-driven Internet communication tools, such as Google Groups, are a hybrid between an electronic mailing lists and an Internet discussion forum, where group messages can be posted and read via email or on the group's homepage. Added functions include voting, calendar systems and file uploading, as well as page creation for collaborating on shared web pages hosted within the group itself; user customization; and file sharing for uploading and sharing work with other group members.


Teleconferencing education

Several major audio/video conferencing services, such as WebEx, are available to help users interact and collaborate. WebEx's website also has a "Future of collaboration" whitepapers, "Teamwork makes the dream work" e-book, blog and other resources. Also, its WebEx Teams software includes collaboration tools like chat, secure group messaging, meeting scheduling, whiteboard and file sharing, which let users immediately start meetings, join from anywhere, and continue conversations after gatherings.


Usual social media suspects

Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media websites all have multiple tools for forming groups, organization teams and materials, and using them to collaborate on engineering, business or any other types and combinations of projects. It's simple to examine them just below the surface of the usual posting photos and messages to locate these tools, and put them to use for professional purposes.

Facebook and LinkedIn

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