Originating in the SP88 realm, WBF has naturally evolved to becomethemain, dedicated supporter of ISA88, ISA95, and OMAC standards, broadening its scope to the entire production system control, from batch to continuous, discrete, and hybrid manufacturing processes, from production planning to equipment automation.
The conference will be supported by ISA (Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society) and by MESA (Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association)
Important dates:
- Submission of Abstract: June 30, 2006
- Notification of Abstract Acceptance: July 28, 2006
- Submission of full paper: September 15, 2006
- Acceptance of full paper: September 29, 2006
- Submission of final paper: October 13, 2006
- Conference: November 13-15, 2006
Abstract and Paper Submission
Please send your material to [email protected].
Contact: Nick Taylor, European Conference Chair
Jean Vielle, Conference Co-Chair
Charlotta Johnsson, Director European Operations
For more information about the conference, see www.wbf.org.