
Another Chemical Plant Explosion...

Sept. 9, 2007
This time, the bad news came for a plant described variously as a gunpowder plant and a nitrocellulose feedstock manufacturer for the paint and coatings industries. The former ICI chemical plant in ArdeePillar of fire at Nobel nitro plantr Stevenston in...
This time, the bad news came for a plant described variously as a gunpowder plant and a nitrocellulose feedstock manufacturer for the paint and coatings industries. The former ICI chemical plant in Ardee
r Stevenston in Ayrshire on the West Coast of Scotland blew up rather spectacularly last night, with flames shooting hundreds of feet in the air. The plant is now owned by Nobel Enterprises. Nobel Enterprises is a spin-off of ICI, having been sold to Troon Investments, Ltd., a subsidiary of Inabata & Co., of Japan. The latest news reports indicate that three underaged boys have been detained by Scottish authorities in connection with the matter. What makes this even more interesting is that this is the original dynamite plant where Alfred Nobel did much to create the modern chemical industry.