At Tuesday's "Women in Innovation" luncheon, Dr. Valerie Young will share insights from her award-winning book, The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It.
Statistics say that 40% of women with engineering degrees either leave the profession or never enter the field. This is unfortunate because a diverse work environment can help organizations better develop ingenious solutions to important engineering problems. To help address this issue, the 2014 Emerson Global Users Exchange will feature its first "Women in Innovation" luncheon Tuesday. The luncheon is intended to help attendees network, share best practices, and start a dialog on developing personal competencies to engage, attract, and retain a diverse and innovative workforce.
Dr. Valerie Young, keynote speaker at the recent global Society of Women Engineers Conference, will share practical steps toward eliminating the "imposter syndrome," feelings of inadequacy that persist even in face of facts that prove the opposite is true. She will discuss how overcoming the imposter syndrome helps engineers and other professionals reap more job satisfaction and success both within their roles and their organizations.
Invitees include all Emerson Exchange attendees—female professionals and managers, as well as men who work with them. The luncheon will be held on Tuesday, October 7, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm in Osceola Ballroom A. No need to formally sign up—all are welcome.
About the Author: Leslie Gordon