Out of Control--Top 10 Toys

March 31, 2009

Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away there were toys that didn't require batteries or the layout of elebenty hundred dollars in upgrades and new games to provide fun. Some of them were so low tech that they were just pieces of wood or metal or even old socks, but, admit it, we had fun with them.

My friend Heidi Parsons twittered me this link for a walk down memory lane and interesting stories about how  some of the best memories of our childhoods came to be.

Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away there were toys that didn't require batteries or the layout of elebenty hundred dollars in upgrades and new games to provide fun. Some of them were so low tech that they were just pieces of wood or metal or even old socks, but, admit it, we had fun with them.

My friend Heidi Parsons twittered me this link for a walk down memory lane and interesting stories about how  some of the best memories of our childhoods came to be.

It also gives me the excuse to share the following line, which I keep tucked away in my head for the truly annoying people in my life:  "Some people are like slinkies. They're good for nothing, but it still makes you smile when you push them down the stairs."

I apologize for contributing to the negative energy in the universe, but that thought makes me grin every time I read it.

Now back to our regularly scheduled blogging.

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